Every day I take the underground to go to the city. Every day the same landscape. And lost my mind observing geometries, the waves from Danube, the little lines on the display that show the next station and people around me.
I wandering about their stories, the music that they listen in that moment. Or the smile of a child.
Evertything passes slowly and I feel myself as an omniscient narrator, with the task of tell that story. It is why somethimes I take my camera and I start to walk trough Vienna, try something new to find and to tell.
Maybe I was inspired by the Cartier Bresson's exhibition here in Vienna, his way to describe with simplicity everyday life, I don't know right now, but I'm searcing another way to take photo.
I'm bored about "perfection". It is more interesting to play with imperfection, defect, and use that to show somenthing new, other possibilities to tell my point of view on reality. Basicly to have fun, again, taking photo.
copyright © Federica Papa. All right reserved.
Apparat - Black Water